We are working in order to create the ideal environment for you to upload and sell your music. We promise we will do our best to promote your tracks to as many creators as possible.

If you believe that you have one or more tracks that worth reaching creators and audiences, please proceed to our registration page to create your profile. Its easy and it only takes a few minutes. In your profile page you will find information about your sales, upload your tracks with a simple drag and drop, and much more.

  • Please note that we only accept WAV files in 48Khz/24 or 16bit.
  • There is a limit of 90MB per WAV file.
  • Make sure all versions are in one single file up to 90mb.
  • It is always good to have shorter versions or variations of the main track.
  • Include all versions in one file, but make sure it does not exceed the 90MB limit.
  • Only upload your own compositions.
  • You may use loops as long as they are copyright free and part of your composition.
  • Tracks with fade out in the end won’t be accepted.

Once you have created your account, go to the Upload page. Type the title of your track, then insert or drag and drop your wav file into the appropriate box. Once the waveform is created within the box, hit the ‘Upload Now’ button. That’s it! Your track is now pending for review.

INFINITYmusiclibrary is new. We believe that the only way to grow and build trust is by delivering top quality music to our customers. We will try and reply to all composers as soon as possible. Please note that we cannot answer to why a certain track did not get approved. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

We would love to welcome you on our team!

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